Monday, September 22, 2014

Forgot lunch

Today I decided that I needed a treat... I had a tough couple of days at work and decided to get an acai to make me feel better. I asked Craig and he decided to join me.I went to get them and when was at the store, I got a phone call from ESS...Alessandra forgot her lunch 

I tried calling my mom and Don but they did not answer so I decided that the only solution was for me to drive home, get the lunch and bring it to Alessandra. The problem is that I had 2 acais in my car and they were going to melt. 

I called Craig and asked if I could give his acai to Alessandra and he agreed.

When I arrived at ESS they called Alessandra and she came up running and said : forgot my lunch ! 

I said I was sorry but showed her the acai ( her favorite) and she opened a huge smile... For me mommy? All of it ? I said yes and I told her that I was going to eat lunch with her. 

We ate lunch together and she told me that it was the best lunch ever.. 

After all ...seeing her and having lunch with my baby was the treat that I needed to make me feel better 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Shower talk

Almost every night when Julianna needs to take a shower, she wants me to go with her so we can talk. I know that she just wants the company but I enjoy our conversations. Today she was telling me that she had a fight with her best friend at school ( Dylan) when I asked her why, she explained that Dylan and Abbie were not talking I with Kathlyn and Julianna was trying to make them talk again. When Kathlyn went to sit by herself, Julianna was sorry and sat with her. Dylan's got upset that julianna did not sit with them . 
Julianna is very mature regarding her friends and she has a very clear idea to what it right and what is wrong .. I am very proud of you Jules.