Alessandra is too cute and she knows that ...she uses all this cuteness to make me do things that I am not supposed to do ...but how I can resist? She is growing up so fast and I don't want to miss any minute of it. For the last few weeks, she is sleeping with me on my bed.
Everything started with her coming in the morning for a few minutes before I woke up, after that, she started coming in the middle of the night ... And now, she waits for Julianna to go to sleep and run to my bed.
One of the problems is that she kicks me the whole night, when she not kicking me, she is hugging me and waking me up with every little move. This morning I told her that she needed to go to stay at her bed and that I was not sleeping well with all the kicking.
Alessandra looked at me , very offended and told me :
Mama, but I did not know ... I am just 4 years ald :(
OMG ... She is too cute and I can't resist !!!!