Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Alessandra now says "Oiiiii!" all the time. It is too cute when she answers the phone and says, "Oi! Udo bem?" She is quickly developing her language skills but at the moment we need a dictionary to interpret her pronunciations. Here's what we've got so far.

Alessandra's Dictionary:

Lali - Alessandra
Dudi - Juice
Pilo - milk
Blinki- blanket
Nana- Julianna
Lilo - Lizle
No why - Snow White
rora - Aurora ( Sleeping beauty)
Oo Ah - monkey


Last week I was reading a very good article on what to say when kids ask difficult questions about babies. These include questions such as "How are babies made?" or "How do they get out of your belly?" I was reading more for curiosity as I thought Julianna was still too young to grasp the whole idea.

Well... yesterday, while driving home, Julianna asked me - "Mommy, how does a baby get inside the belly...?" Without hesitation, I answered that Mommy and Daddy create this little seed and it grows inside the belly.

I was preparing myself for the other questions from the article, but her only response was that she used to be small like a little seed too!

Whew... I guess we still have a little more time to worry about the rest of this conversation!