Julianna received a note from school saying that she had a hard time listening... I told her that if she had a good day, we would buy books at her school ( They are having a book fair this week) but after I saw the note, I told her that she would not get a book and she got a very upset. She promised that tomorrow she will try harder and maybe ...we will get a book.
Today I was talking with Julianna in bed about Brazil, she was counting the days and telling me what we are going to do on Friday... Drive to the airport, get into the airplane, walk to the car, drive to the hotel ...
I told her that I needed to go take a shower and she asked me why.. I told her that I was stinking ... she leaned over to smell me and she said : HUMMM ... you smell so good !!! Anything for me to stay just a little longer :-)
Jason is studding today again.. I can't wait for his classes to be over. I am very proud of him and how he is taking it very serious