Julianna is having a hard time at school during nap time. For the past few days in a row, she has brought home a note from her teacher saying that she does not listen at nap time (sometimes with a sad face drawn on the note for emphasis!). We've stuck to a standard punishment whenever she gets one of these notes: no candy, no juice, no dessert, no TV... for the rest of the night.
With the bad notes coming fairly regularly, we needed to find out why this was becoming such a big issue for her. After a lot of discussion, I found out that the problem is that Julianna does not want to sleep. She swears she is not tired and she just gets too bored lying down in her cot looking at the ceiling for 2 hours. She ends up playing with things around her and making noise, which can wake up the other children.
I explained to Julianna that she needs to follow the school rules and that she needs to listen to her teachers... However, even after our "talk" Julianna still did not listen. Jason and I decided to add more things to her " punishment" and Juliana had to go to sleep 30 minutes earlier. She was clearly upset and stayed in bed.
We told her that if she did not listen again, we would take away her favorite toy and she would not be able to play with for a few days. I asked her what her favorite toy was and she told me "the Bouncing ball"; and inflatable that she can sit on and bounce around the room. I told her that I was going to take the bouncing ball away the next time she did not listen in school.
Well the next evening, when I went to pick her up at school, the second I got there she starting gushing about how much she LOVES this little pink pony that she has at home. I told her okay but I did not know why she kept repeating that over and over... she loves the Pink pony, the pink pony is her favorite toy, etc.
Guess what.. when I talked with the teacher, I was informed that Julianna did not listen again at nap time.
When we were leaving the school, Julianna was in unusually high spirits especially considering that she knew she had a bad day and she didn't listen to her teachers. In the car, she told me that she knew she had to be punished when we got home, and that I could take her FAVORITE pink pony away... Suddenly I understood what she was doing! So tricky!
I told her that I was not going to take the pink pony, and that I would take the bouncing ball away from her instead... and immediately she started to cry :-(